Thursday, 1 February 2018

An Indulgence in India 29th Jan

I had planned to do a camel safari in the first place but only an afternoon jaunt. When Jas suggested that we go for the full monty as it would be well worth it,
we decided to give it a try. I cancelled our first night at Jaisalmer in favour of the safari. We drove from Jodhpur past Jaisalmer for another 40kms. The environment was now becoming more stereotypically desert ie sand and dunes.
Our base camp consisted of two courtyards the first was a performance space that had a central fireplace and low seating around the outside. The second one, behind the first, had seating and four round huts for sleeping in.
Beside the courtyards were a few luxury tents which had verandas with deckchairs, a floored sleeping area and beyond a large shower and toilet area. Helen can be seen coming out having done the inspection and seems happy. Notice that she has taken off her flipflops and some bloke is taking her picture. We were offered three sleeping options, the huts, the tents or out under the stars. With deference to our ages we opted for the tents. You might notice that our tent is number 201of 6 so presumably we are on the second floor. As the sunset wasn't waiting we were soon called to the saddle. With a little trepidation and a lot of help we leapt upon the camels.

Almost our first view on the trek was of these ladies who have visited the well. You can see one lady is pumping while most are leaving with one or two containers on their heads. I am not really sure why I am describing what you can see perfectly well yourselves.

Bit of a cliche this but I couldn't resist it.

Something a little more conventional. You can get a good idea of the nature of the environment. My camel is an old chap at 18 years. They generally live to be 20 to 22. Helen had the spritely four year old.

Meet Jaws my camel. Just when I thought it was safe to go back in the sand........

OK so they are clichés but I love them anyway.

Our camel boy, who could not have been more helpful and considerate took this great photo of us both.

The evening ended with a meal and drinks around the fire and some enthralling entertainment which concluded with us all having a few dances with the ladies to the music of the lively local band.

The company that we stayed with was Registhan Guest House who were responsible for the whole affair, camels and all. The location was village Dhoba Khuri and should you wish to contact them try
I would recommend them strongly. The cost by the way started at 6500 Rupees but came down to 5000 after a little negotiation. That was for the whole package for both of us, about £30 a head.

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