Saturday, 23 January 2016

Southern Summer, Argentina, Chile and Y Wladfa Gymreig 22nd Jan

9.20 and we are leaving Esquel for Bariloche. The journey will take 5 hours on a very hot sunny day. Most of the trip will be along the famous Route 40.

Ruta 40 as it is generally called is the longest route in Argentina and one of the longest in the world at just over 5000kms. Large tracts of it is still unpaved, especially in the south. The remoteness, long distances between refuelling points, rough surface and harsh climatic conditions make it one of the great driving challenges. We will be driving about 350 kms from 1700kms from the southernmost start  (near Rio Gallegos ) up to 2050kms at Bariloche. The part we are travelling on is paved and relatively busy, especially as we get close to Bariloche. Share some of the views with us.

You can see the reflection of our coach in the windows of the Bus Terminal at Esquel.

 Not much wildlife in sight,we did see large eagle looking birds but not yet the really big one that we are hoping to see. I am, of course talking about the Condor.

A few more facts about this route; it crosses 20 National Parks, 18 major rivers, 27 mountain passes and reaches 5000ms above sea level. It also passes through 11 State Provinces.
Now we have arrived in Bariloche, the capital of the Lake District. The area is reminiscent of Switzerland and Germany. The original developments were missionary outposts, but it was after a German set up a shop that a community began to grow. The early settlers were German, Swiss, and Austrians. The distinctive civic centre was completed in 1940. It is hardly surprising that it gained a reputation as a hideaway for fleeing Nazis. Indeed some claim Adolph Hitler and Eva Braun lived here until the 1960s. The lake and surrounding National Park is called Nahuel Huapi. They provide a large variety of outdoor activities in summer and throughout the winter it becomes a popular ski resort.
Our accommdation is right next to the Civic Centre, convenient if a bit scruffy outside of the apartment.  Here is the view from our picture window  (sadly no balcony ).

Tomorrow we'll have a better look round this place and I will tell you what that white graffiti is all about.


  1. What a road!! Keep up the good work and regards to helen

  2. Now then Sidney, it's a well known fact you only got your job as a result of an addressing error. Your work will be exposed in the next blog!
