The view from the bedroom window, plus a little zoom.
This is the view from the lake towards town
And this is the view the opposite way. Besides the aforementioned attractions you can hire bikes, go pony trekking or visit the nature reserve at a series of lagoons beside the lake. We decided to opt for the birdwatching and what a treat we had. It was half an hours walk from the hotel so we had some lunch at this taverna on the way.
We have done quite a few bird sanctuaries round the world but never one as abundant and varied as this. Moreover the accessibility of the birds was superb. We must have seen in excess of 30 species. Enjoy this cornucopia of Patagonian and Antarctican birds.
Three species visible above, Black- necked Swan, Coscorba Swan, and the Red-fronted Coot.
Chilean Flamingo
Male Upland Goose
Southern Lapwing
Neotropic Cormorant
Andanean Duck
Upland Gosling
Cinereous Harrier
There were a lot of these Harriers and both their flight and calling was spectacular. Although they came close to us,they were very hard to photograph on the wing. It transpired that they were nesting in the reeds. This entry has taken a long time to write as the pictures take a while to upload because the wifi is rather slow. Hear that UK, wifi at 50°S and not another township for 200kms!
Patagonian Sierra Finch
Interestingly Spalding is 52 degrees north - therefore strangely we are further north than you are south.