Here we at Thornburi station. This is were you depart for Kanchanburi the destination where you can get out to see the Bridge on the River Kwai. It's a 3 hour journey that costs 100 bahts each (remember 40 odd to the pound). Quite a lot of Europeans make this journey with the Allies involvement of WW ll and the notoriety of the war crimes committed.
We boarded the train at 7-45am after a 6am taxi from the hotel. The train was single 3rd class although some of the carriages had been 2nd, note the slightly padded seats and fans in the ceiling. The windows remain fully open throughout the journey.
In the first few kilometers out of Bangkok we passed very closely to the oh so common shanty dwellings that seem to follow railway lines the world over. We next travelled through a largely agricultural landscape with lots of different arable crops and a good variety of livestock. In the picture below you can see the ubiquitous paddy fields.
Plan A was to get off and get a tuc-tuc back to the bridge but when we discovered that the next stop was over an hour up the line, we needed Plan B. It transpired that the train went on up the line for a further hour, then turned round and came back again. So we decided to get out at Krasae cave Station. This was one of the most difficult and dangerous points of the railway, but more of this later.
Here we are now crossing the bridge and on our way into oblivion, The bridge at this point is original.
The Allies bombed the bridge several times in 1944/45 and for a while it was out of commission. This is one of the spans to replace the bomb damaged sections.

Here we are inside the Krasae cave where the prisoners were able to find brief respite to and now is home to another Buddha and all his presents. Although we never really intended to come to this place, we were so pleased that we did. By the time we had lunch and explored what was here, the train arrived chugging it's way back.
Part of the museum of remembrance Kanchanburi is this WW ll steam engine which we passed on our way back to Bangkok.
Now on the west side of the river. Thailand did decide to join the Axis powers during WW ll and told their ambassador in the USA to declare war. Fortunately for Thailand he refused to do so thereby saving the country from masses of debts for reparations and sanctions. What a hero.

We have been following the west side of the river and are now nearing our destination. Remember that I said this was one of the most difficult and dangerous parts to build. We are tight on a limestone cliff with the river vertiginously below us.
The bend of the river now serves as the site for a holiday destination and the views are stunning. What would those workers of 1942/45 have thought?
Walking on the Death Railway. Now some serious thoughts about the scale and tragedy of what occurred here. Up to 250,000 local civilians and 60,000 prisoners of war worked as slaves on the line. About 90,000 civilians and 12,000 prisoners died of malnutrition, illnesses and maltreatment. It is calculated that one worker died for every wooden sleeper laid. After the war 111 Japanese officials were charged with war crimes and 32 executed. It is thought that there are still mass graves out here undiscovered.
Very interesting Nigel and the weather looks lovely