Recognise this chap? He's called Ampelmaennchen or the little traffic light man. When you see him you know that you are in the old East Berlin. He has become something of a cult hero. Here is his mate.
Potsdamer Platz is entirely rebuilt and now contains the Sony Centre (shops and stuff ) many banks and hotels. There was also a Berlin Wall exhibition with re-erected bits complete with DDR border guard and flag.
Walking down Ebertstrasse we pass this striking building.
Just past this is the Memorial to the 6 million Jewish people murdered by the Nazi regime. Above ground is the 19000 sq meters of concrete blocks, below ground is an information centre.
I'm sure that you recognise this next picture as the Brandenburg Gate
So much for C19 Prussian architecture, the real star of C21 Berlin is the contemporary architecture as befits a city re-inventing itself. I will let the pictures speak for themselves but you will see government offices, railway station, theatre, unifying bridges and modern palaces.
See what I mean? Helen and I do like a zoo and Berlin is a goodie. I think the two hour walk round should more or less see us off.
Some look from outer space great pics its almost like being there, once again really enjoying your blogs x